Tuesday, 17 May 2016


By me conceding with a sect of Kenyans about IEBC exiting, it should'nt mean that I side with CORD and turned to be one of their gatekeepers. Its everyone's knowledge that CORD is the chief ouster agitating for these changes and I have disagreed a couple of times with their preferred mode and current trend of showy infamous politics that has turned perilous, thus my choice is out of pure common sense.I have decided to take precedence of common sense before the rule of law. Innocent Kenyans have lost lives some obtained injuries either by being active conduits of 'change' others by just being victims of circumstance. You see, Jubilee has not been adamant about ammends within the IEBC but when CORD decides to show double standards to the rule of law, it gets us second guessing..how do you cite that the enshrined constitution guarantees you the right to hold demos but when the government also reminds you to follow the same rule of law in solving your issues you tend to flout? Why? The opposition fails to understand that changes touching on the constitution cannot be solved in an ad hoc manner,guidelin
es have to be abided by. Earlier people thought rains of suffering would precipitate above CORD affiliates but it has proved that Kenyans across all cuts have been affected indiscriminately, everyone has been soaked. Nairobi is a cosmopolitan region remember that and we can't allow Kenyans irregardless of tribal orientation get affected whatsoever. Human life and sovereignity is above your caliphate CORD and even the autonomous IEBC and eventually IEBC could bow out but what CORD has made Kenyans paddle through will never be forgotten. It is good the Jubilee 5 year term is at its homestretch and CORD's ingenuity or falsehood that IEBC(defunct maybe by then) was partial will be proved. But I am afraid to say fearlessly that CORD will be defeated in full glare of the broad daylight. IEBC could down their tools but CORD remember you won't be out of the woods yet.

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